All abstracts by Trevor Green in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Changes in Clinopyroxene Crystal Structure and Chemistry as Functions of Pressure, Temperature, and Dissolved H2O Concentrations in Coexisting Basanitic Melts: Implications for Thermobarometry and the Compositions of Near-Solidus Mantle MeltsAdam J, Oberti R, Camara F, Green T & Rushmer T
(2007) Experimental Constraints on Trace Element Fluxes from Slab to Wedge
Blundy J, Klimm K & Green T
(2004) Partitioning of H2O between Mantle Minerals and Silicate Melts
Hauri E, Gaetani G & Green T
(2000) A Partitioning Origin for Strontium Anomalies in Mantle-Derived Melts
Blundy J & Green T