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All abstracts by He Zhao in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Volcanism Drove Enhanced Chemical Weathering during the Late Triassic Carnian Pluvial Event
Zhao H & Wang X

(2022) Mercury Enrichments during the Carnian Pluvial Event (Late Triassic) in South China
Zhao H, Grasby S, Wang X, Zhang L, Liu Y, Hu Z-C, Chen Z-Q & Huang Y

(2022) Linkage of the Late Cambrian Microbe-Metazoan Transition (MMT) to Shallow-Marine Oxygenation during the SPICE Event
Zhang L, Algeo TJ, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Zhao H, Zhang Z & Li C

(2020) Global Mercury Cycle during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and Subsequent Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Zhao H, Cawood P, Grasby S, Chen Z & Zhang L

(2020) Abrupt Decline in Primary Productivity Coincident with the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction: Cadmium Isotopic Evidence from South Chin
Zhao H, Algeo T, Chen Z, Poulton S, Liu Y, Hu Z, Wang X & Zhang L

(2019) Global Mercury Chemostratigraphy during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and the Following Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Cawood P, Zhao H, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Chi C, Weng H & Zhang Z

(2019) Calcium Isotope Evidence for an Episode of Ocean Acidification Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Recorded in the Shitouzai Section, South China
Zhao H, Zhang F, Chen Z-Q, Liu Y, Hu Z & Hu Z

(2018) Uranium Isotope Variation Across the Smithian-Spathian Boundary
Zhao H, Zhang F, Algeo T, Romaniello S & Anbar A

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