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All abstracts by Hongrui Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Trace the Sea Surface Salinity on the Iberian Margin by Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes during the Abrupt Climate Changes
Zhang H, Wijker R & Stoll H

(2024) Coccolith Clumped Isotopes Reveal Temperatures of Modern, Miocene and Cenozoic Euphotic Oceans
Mejia Ramirez LM, Taylor V, Meckler AN, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, Fernandez A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Sa­datz­ki H, Hernández-Almeida I & Pälike H

(2023) Surface Ocean Cooling led Freshening on the Iberian Margin during the Abrupt Cooling Event in Marine Isotope Stage 6
Zhang H, Huang Y, Wijker R, Cacho I, Torner J, Santos MC, Kost O, Wei B & Stoll H

(2023) Clumped Isotopes Applied to Coccolith Calcite: A New Way of Reconstructing Temperatures from Euphotic Oceans
Mejia Ramirez LM, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, Fernandez A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Sadatzki H, Hernández-Almeida I & Pälike H

(2019) Calcification Temperature of Surface Oceans: A Coccolith Clumped Isotope Approach
Mejía Ramírez LM, Fernández A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Pérez-Huerta A, Bernasconi S & Stoll H

(2019) The Impact of Growth Rate and pCO2 on Coccolithophore Carbon Isotopes in the Past: Do Model Results fit with Ocean Proxies Records?
Zhang H, Stoll H, Hokinson B, Jenny D, Mejia LM & Liu C

(2018) Unraveling the Potential for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstructions Using Coccolith Clumped Isotope
Mejía LM, Fernández Á, Guitián J, Zhang H, Bernasconi S & Stoll H

(2018) Coccolith Based Clumped Isotope Sea Surface Temperatures during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum
Fernandez A, Mejía Ramírez L, Guitian Bermejo J, Zhang H, Stoll H & Bernasconi S

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