All abstracts by Hongrui Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Trace the Sea Surface Salinity on the Iberian Margin by Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes during the Abrupt Climate ChangesZhang H, Wijker R & Stoll H
(2024) Coccolith Clumped Isotopes Reveal Temperatures of Modern, Miocene and Cenozoic Euphotic Oceans
Mejia Ramirez LM, Taylor V, Meckler AN, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, Fernandez A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Sadatzki H, Hernández-Almeida I & Pälike H
(2023) Surface Ocean Cooling led Freshening on the Iberian Margin during the Abrupt Cooling Event in Marine Isotope Stage 6
Zhang H, Huang Y, Wijker R, Cacho I, Torner J, Santos MC, Kost O, Wei B & Stoll H
(2023) Clumped Isotopes Applied to Coccolith Calcite: A New Way of Reconstructing Temperatures from Euphotic Oceans
Mejia Ramirez LM, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, Fernandez A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Sadatzki H, Hernández-Almeida I & Pälike H
(2019) Calcification Temperature of Surface Oceans: A Coccolith Clumped Isotope Approach
Mejía Ramírez LM, Fernández A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Pérez-Huerta A, Bernasconi S & Stoll H
(2019) The Impact of Growth Rate and pCO2 on Coccolithophore Carbon Isotopes in the Past: Do Model Results fit with Ocean Proxies Records?
Zhang H, Stoll H, Hokinson B, Jenny D, Mejia LM & Liu C
(2018) Unraveling the Potential for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstructions Using Coccolith Clumped Isotope
Mejía LM, Fernández Á, Guitián J, Zhang H, Bernasconi S & Stoll H
(2018) Coccolith Based Clumped Isotope Sea Surface Temperatures during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum
Fernandez A, Mejía Ramírez L, Guitian Bermejo J, Zhang H, Stoll H & Bernasconi S