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All abstracts by David Zakharov in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Detailed Investigation of Post-Crystallization O-isotope Exchange in Highly Damaged U-rich Low-δ¹⁸O Paleoproterozoic Zircon via Combination of Bulk, in situ Measurements, and High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology
Zakharov D, Paul AN, Colon D, Ovtcharova M & Putlitz B

(2024) Detailed Investigation of Alteration to Oceanic Crust via in situ Quartz δ18O Measurements in Pillow Basalts and Sheeted Dikes from ODP 504B
Stevens Z, Zakharov D & Bouvier A-S

(2024) Stable Isotope Investigation of the Geitafell (Iceland) Hydrothermal System Using Spatially Extensive Sampling and Microscale Observations
Sheik AA, Zakharov D & Reed MH

(2023) Investigating Triple O-Isotope Exchange in Submarine Vent Fluids and Experimental H2O-Peridotite Reaction
Zakharov D, Baumgartner LP, Vennemann T & James RH

(2023) Characterisation of Post-Burial Alterations in Archean Seafloor-Derived Lava and Cherts: Implications for the Primitive Terrestrial Environments
Kitoga S, Marin-Carbonne J, Boyet M, Moyen J-F, Stevens G & Zakharov D

(2021) Environmental and Diagenetic Signals Recorded in Cherts from Archean to Cenozoic: Combining in situ δ18O and High-Precision Δ17O Measurements
Zakharov D, Marin-Carbonne J, Di Rocco T & Pack A

(2020) Modern and Ancient Hydrosphere-Rock Interactions Constrained from Triple Oxygen Isotope and in situ δ18O Measurements
Zakharov D, Tanaka R, Butterfield D, Reed M, Palandri J, Bindeman I, Bouvier A-S & Marin-Carbonne J

(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Shales Through Time: Rapid Emergence of Subaerial Landmasses at 2.5Ga
Bindeman I, Zakharov D, Greber N, Dauphas N, Retallack G, Hofmann A, Lackey JS & Bekker A

(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrothermal Systems: Insights into Ancient Meteoric Waters and Paleoseawater
Zakharov D, Bindeman I, Tanaka R, Friðleifsson GO & Reed M

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