All abstracts by Marion Grange in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Deformation Mechanisms in Martian ShergottitesKaczmarek M-A, Grange M, Reddy S & Nemchin A
(2013) A Second Lunar Magma Ocean?
Grange M & Nemchin A
(2012) Microstructures in Lunar Zircon: Key to Interpretation of U-Pb Ages
Nemchin A, Grange M, Timms N & Pidgeon R
(2012) Apollo 15 Zircons Reveal Age of Young Impact
Grange M, Nemchin A, Pidgeon R & Meyer C
(2011) Deciphering Mafic and Felsic Lunar Magmatic Events: Insight from Zircon
Grange M, Nemchin A, Timms N, Pidgeon B & Meyer C
(2009) Zircons from the Apollo 17 Breccias: Implications for the Early History of the Moon
Grange M, Nemchin A & Pidgeon R
(2007) Time-Space Migration of Melting within the E-Atlantic Plume and Magmatism in Portugal: U-Pb Ages and Pb-Sr-Hf Isotopes
Grange M, Schärer U, Girardeau J & Cornen G