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All abstracts by Yang Xiang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) The Effect of Particle Composition and Concentration on the Partitioning Coefficient for Mercury in Three Ocean Basins
Cui X, Lamborg C, Hammerschmidt C, Xiang Y & Lam PJ

(2021) Strong Diel Redox Cycle of Manganese in the Surface Arctic Ocean
Xiang Y, Lam PJ & Lee J-M

(2021) Changing Chemistry of Particulate Manganese in the Near- and Far-Field Hydrothermal Plumes from 15°S East Pacific Rise and its Influence on Metal Scavenging
Lee J-M, Lam PJ, Vivancos S, Pavia F, Anderson R, Lu Y, Cheng H, Zhang P, Edwards RL, Xiang Y & Webb S

(2019) The Influential Factors of Fault Hydrogen Concentration and the Potential Efficiency Evaluation of Earthquake Prediction in Korla, Xinjiang
Xiang Y

(2018) Thorium Isotopes as Tracers of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Arctic
Black E, Charette M, Lam P, Anderson R, Kipp L, Xiang Y, Vivancos S & Buesseler K

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