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All abstracts by Xingchen Tony Wang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Coupled Biogeochemical Evidence for Expanded Ocean Oxygen Deficient Zones during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Yao W, Kong T, Wang XT, Zhai R, Zhang R & Liu Y

(2024) Isotopic Constraints on the Fate of Anthropogenic Nitrogen in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Donnelly H, Chen J-J, Toth LT, Flannery JA, Richey JN, Wang Y, Hu X & Wang XT

(2023) Coral Nitrogen Isotopes as a Symbiosis Proxy: An Experimental Study
Donnelly H, Valadez Ingersoll M, Lin M, Rivera HE, Tramonte C, Davies SW & Wang XT

(2023) Equatorward Expansion of the North Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones over the Past Three Decades
Landry K, Dong S, Chen J-J, Kong T, Osorio Rodriguez D, Pavia F, Subhas AV, Peng XN, Adkins J, Berelson WM & Wang XT

(2022) Contracted Oxygen-Deficient Zones during Cenozoic Climate Optima
Auderset A, Moretti S, Taphorn B, Ebner P-R, Kast ER, Wang XT, Schiebel R, Sigman DM, Haug GH & Martinez-Garcia A

(2021) Oceanic Nutrient Rise and the Late Miocene Inception of Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones
Wang XT, Wang Y, Auderset A, Sigman DM, Ren HA, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug GH, Su Z, Zhang Y, Rasmussen B, Sessions A & Fischer W

(2021) Exploring Molecular Isotopic Variation in Intact Oxyanions by Electrospray-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Neubauer C, Hilkert A, Böhlke JK, Wang XT & Kopf S

(2021) Status of the Antarctic Ocean “Surface Isolation” Hypothesis for Glacial/Interglacial Carbon Dioxide Change
Sigman DM, Fripiat F, Studer AS, Kemeny PC, Martinez-Garcia A, Hain M, Ai X(, Wang XT & Haug GH

(2018) Interplay of Physical and Biological Processes in the Southern Ocean and Deglacial CO2 Variations
Li T, Robinson L, Chen T, Wang X, Burke A, Pegrum-Haram A, Rae J, Samperiz A, Spooner P, Rowland G, Ng H, Prokopenko M, Southon J, Knowles T, Li G & Sigman D

(2018) Ecological and Biochemical Controls on Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionation of Otolith-Bound Organic Matter: Insights from Paired Tissue-Otolith Comparisons, Amino Acid Concentrations, and an Otolith Model
Lueders-Dumont J, Wang XT, Sigman D & Ward B

(2018) Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Tooth Enamel Bound Organic Matter as an Environmental Proxy
Kast E, Rinaldi N, Hoppe K, Wang X, Haug G & Sigman D

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