All abstracts by Kristen Underwood in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) From Pattern to Process and Process to Pattern: Insights on Data-Driven Critical Zone Research from the Big Data Collaborative Network ClusterPerdrial JN, Underwood K, Swami S, Lee BS, Ul Haq I, Kincaid D, Stewart B, Seybold E, Rizzo D, Li L, Hamshaw SD & Shanley JB
(2021) Assessing Ecohydrological Resilience Across Scales: Opportunities and Challenges for Critical Zone Research
Perdrial J, Bristol C, Ruckhaus M, Seybold E, Stewart B, Abbott BW, Kincaid DW, Underwood K, Hamshaw SD, Shanley JB, Li L, Rizzo D, Lee R, Lewis G & Lee BS
(2020) Combining Complex Systems Analyses with Process Observations to Understand Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon Across Scales
Perdrial J, Adler T, Bristol C, Underwood K, Rizzo D, Wen H, Li L, Harpold A, Sterle G & Hanley J
(2018) Eight Million Years of Polar Ice Sheet Variations from Cosmogenic Nuclides in Marine Sediments
Shakun J, Bierman P, Corbett L, Underwood K, Rizzo D, Zimmerman S, Caffee M, Naish T, Golledge N & Hay C