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All abstracts by Brent Summers in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Using Seawater Iron Isotopes to Characterize the Physicochemical Speciation and Scavenging Rates of Dissolved Iron: Southern East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
Steffen J, Summers B, Conway T, German C, Sherrell RM & Fitzsimmons J

(2020) The Biogeochemical Cycling of Fe and its Isotopes in the South Atlantic Ocean (GEOTRACES GA10)
Conway T, Summers B, Schlosser C, Sieber M, John S & Achterberg E

(2020) Seawater Iron Isotopes as a New Tool to Characterize the Physicochemical Speciation of Dissolved Iron: Southern East Pacific Rise Case Study
Fitzsimmons J, Steffen J, Summers B, Conway T & Sherrell R

(2019) Tracing Surface Iron Using Isotopic Signatures from the UK South Atlantic GEOTRACES GA10 Section
Summers B & Conway T

(2019) A High-Resolution Biogeochemical Surface Transect of the Florida Current of the Southern Gulf Stream along 26.8°N between Southeast Florida and the Bahamas
Conway T, Mellett T, Summers B, Schlaiss R, Buck K, Knapp A & Rosenberg A

(2019) The Influence of Glacier Cover on Trace Metal Input and Cycling in Patagonian Fjords
Hawkings J, Sherrell R, Conway T, Wadham J, Hendry K, Pryer H, Daneri G, Torres R, Bertrand S, Kellerman A, Marshall M, Beaton A, Ng HC, Roccanova V, Bu R, Summers B, Benning L & Spencer R

(2019) Automated Processing of Seawater Samples for Iron Isotope Ratio Determination
Field P, Conway T, Summers B, Saetveit N & Sakowski J

(2018) Investigating the Isotopic Signature and Release of Iron Sourced from Sediments to the UK South Atlantic GEOTRACES GA10 Section
Summers B, Homoky W, Mills R, John S & Conway T

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