All abstracts by Robbie Goodhue in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Quantitative Analysis of Free Mica in Sand and Hardened Concrete Blocks by SEM-EDSO'Connor L & Goodhue R
(2017) Quantitative Major Element (Stoichiometric) Analysis of Pyrite from Varying Irish Quarry Sources
Dornan T & Goodhue R
(2015) Giant Submarine Impact Basins: Proliferation of Life after a Deadly Impact
O'Sullivan E, Goodhue R & Kamber B
(2011) δ13Ccarbonate Chemostratigraphy of the Carrapateira Outlier (Lower Kimmeridgian), Southern Portugal
Borges M, Goodhue R, Fernandes P, Pereira Z, Matos V & Rodrigues B
(2011) Preliminary Account of the Silurian Carbon Isotope Record (δ13Corg) from the Barrancos Region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal
Lopes G, Fernandes P, Goodhue R, Pereira Z & Piçarra JM
(2010) Carbon Isotope Record (δ13Ccarbonate) of the Middle to Late Jurassic (Callovian – Oxfordian) from the Algarve Basin, Portugal
Borges M, Fernandes P, Rodrigues B & Goodhue R
(2008) Productivity and Sediment Supply from the E-O Boundary in Tanzania
O'Halloran A, Nicholas CJ & Goodhue R