All abstracts by David Rubie in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Origin of the CC-Nc Isotopic Dichotomy in Early Planetesimals (Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies)Morbidelli A, Baillié K, Batygin K, Charnoz S, Guillot T, Rubie D & Kleine T
(2021) The Al/Si Ratio: Sub-Solar in Enstatite Chondrites but Supra-Solar in the Earth – A Plausible Explanation
Morbidelli A, Libourel G, Rubie D, Palme H & Jacobson SA
(2021) Fate of Carbon during the Formation of Earth’s Core
Blanchard I, Jennings E, Franchi I, Zhao X, Petitgirard S, Miyajima N, Jacobson SA & Rubie D
(2021) Isotopic Fractionation during Multi-Stage Core Formation
Nathan G, Shahar A, Rubie D & Jacobson SA
(2018) Silicate Melt Ferric/Ferrous Iron Speciation and the Redox State of a Deep Magma Ocean
Frost D, Armstrong K, Rubie D, McCammon C, Boffa Ballaran T, Siersch N & Wang Y