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All abstracts by Robert Roback in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) An Apatite for Iodine: How Apatite can Incorporate Iodine for the Use in Spent Nuclear Fuel Backfill Materials
Laird W, Jiminez-Arroyo A, Perez-Huerta A, Samajpati E, Krance JM, Migdissov A, Roback R, Guo X, Dash P, Katkar A & Gabitov R

(2024) Immobilization of Iodine and Uranium by Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Laird W, Migdisov AA, Perez-Huerta A, Samajpati E, Jiminez-Arroyo A, Guo X, Xu H, Dash P, Caporuscio F & Roback R

(2023) Uptake of Iodine by Crystallization of Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Jimenez A, Migdisov AA, Perez-Huerta A, Guo X, Xu H, Dash P, Caporuscio F & Roback R

(2022) Uptake of Uranium by Crystallization of Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Jimenez A, Migdisov AA, Liu J, Guo X, Rose K, Perez-Huerta A, Paul V, Dash P, Navarathna C, Mlsna T, Caporuscio F, Xu H & Roback R

(2021) The Solubility of Thorium in Carbonate-Bearing Solutions at Hydrothermal Conditions
Nisbet H, Migdissov A, Williams-Jones A, van Hinsberg V, Xu H & Roback R

(2021) Uranium Uptake by Apatite at Hydrothermal Conditions
Jimenez A, Gabitov R, Nguyen A, Makowsky D, Navarathna C, Mlsna T, Paul V, Migdisov AA & Roback R

(2020) Uranyl Speciation up to 250 ºC in Near-Neutral to Basic Solutions: The Carbonate – Hydroxy Interplay
Kalintsev A, Migdisov A, Xu H, Roback R, Brugger J & Ram R

(2020) Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of Uranyl-Chloride Aqueous Solutions at Hydrothermal Conditions
Baker J, Akram N, Dhakal D, Mayanovic R, Guo X, Zhang X, Kelley M, Batista E, Yang P, Boukhalfa H, Migdissov A, Roback R, Sun C-J & Xu H

(2020) Solubility of Rare Earth Chlorides (La, Nd, Er) in HCl Bearing Water Vapour from 350 – 425℃
Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Nisbet H, Currier R, Roback R & Migdisov A

(2020) Anomalous Stability of U(IV) Species in Sulfate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Migdisov A, Van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Nisbet H, Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Ram R, Boukhalfa H, Xu H, Gabitov R, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Jove-Colon C, Matteo E, Caporuscio F, Roback R & White J

(2018) Stability of U(IV) Sulfate Complexes at Elevated Temperatures
van Hartesveldt N, Migdisov A, Xu H, Roback R & Gabitov R

(2018) Complexation Behaviour of Uranyl in Sulfate-Bearing Solutions at Elevated Temperatures up to 250℃
Kalintsev A, Migdisov A, Xu H, Roback R & Brugger J

(2018) The Solubility and Speciation of Thorium in Chloride-Bearing Aqueous Solutions at Elevated Temperatures
Nisbet H, Migdisov A, Xu H, Williams-Jones A, van Hinsberg V, Guo X, Boukhalfa H & Roback R

(2018) Geochemical Controls of Mobilisation, Deposition, and Fractionation of REE, U, and Th in Ore Forming Hydrothermal Systems
Migdisov A, Haylea N, van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Xu H, Boukhalfa H, Roback R, van Hinsberg V, Williams-Jones A, Gabitov R & Brugger J

(2018) Energetics of Uranium Silicides
Chung C-K, Guo X, White J, Nelson A, Boukhalfa H, Roback R, Xu H & Navrotsky A

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