All abstracts by Michelle Newcomer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Insights into the Role of Lateral Hyporheic Exchange on Biogeochemical Cycling as a Function of Varying Annual Discharge in the East River, CO, USAFox PM, Arora B, Anderson C, Beutler C, Carroll RWH, Christensen JN, Dewey C, Dong W, Dwivedi D, Faybishenko B, Fendorf S, Keiluweit M, Malenda H, Newcomer M, Newman AW, Williams KH & Nico PS
(2021) A Scale-Adaptive Framework to Predict Water and Nutrient Fluxes Across Land-Water Interfaces
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Arora B, Newcomer M, Ozgen I, Faybishenko B, Nico PS, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox PM, Williams KH & Hubbard S
(2020) A Novel Random Forest Approach to Revealing Interactions and Disentangling Inland and Oceanic Controls over Coastal Phytoplankton Productivity
Cheng Y, Bhoot V, Kumbier K, Sison-Mangus M & Newcomer M
(2020) Advancing Understanding, Modeling, and Scaling of Hyporheic Zone Terrestrial Aquatic Interfaces and their Impacts on Watershed Function
Newcomer M, Bouskill N, Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Maier U, Arora B, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Carroll R, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S
(2020) A Scale-Aware Modeling Framework to Quantify Subsurface Geochemical Exports and River Water Quality
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Newcomer M, Arora B, Özgen-Xian I, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S
(2018) Modeling Nitrogen Sources, Sinks and Transformations in a Mountain Watershed Under Changing Climate
Maavara T, Bouskill N, Arora B, Siirila-Woodburn E, Sample J, Couture R-M, Newcomer M, Foster L, Maxwell R, Williams K & Steefel C