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All abstracts by Arturo Gómez-Tuena in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) New Insights into Slab Flux Driven Processing of Mantle Wedge from the Trace Element Systematic of Cr-Spinel-Bearing Olivines in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Straub SM, Batanova V, Sobolev AV, Gomez-Tuena A, Espinasa-Perena R, Bindeman IN, Stuart F, Widom E & Iizuka Y

(2022) Olivine Ca as Proxy to Mantle Wedge Depletion in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Straub SM, Batanova VG, Sobolev AV, Gómez-Tuena A, Espinasa-Perena R, Fleming WL, Bindeman IN, Stuart F & Widom E

(2022) Recycling of Subduction-Related Noble Gases and Crustal Carbon in the Mexican Lithospheric Mantle
Sandoval Velasquez AL, Rizzo AL, Aiuppa A, Frezzotti ML, Straub SM, Gómez-Tuena A & Espinasa Perena R

(2016) Subduction Erosion and Slab Diapirism in the Western Mexican Volcanic Belt
Gómez-Tuena A, Parolari M & Cavazos-Tovar JG

(2016) Petrogenesis of Antecryst-Bearing Mexican Arc Basalts: Insights into along-Arc Variations in Magma Ponding Depths, H2O Contents, and Surface Heat Flux
Zellmer G, Pistone M, Iizuka Y, Andrews B, Gomez-Tuena A, Straub S & Cottrell E

(2015) What Drives Arc Magma Diversity?
Straub SM, Gomez-Tuena A, Bindeman IN, Bolge LL, Brandl PA, Espinasa-Perena R, Solari L, Stuart FM, Vannucchi P & Zellmer GF

(2014) In situ 230Th/U Dating of Quaternary Zircons Using LA MCICPMS
Bernal JP, Solari L, Gómez-Tuena A, Ortega C, Capra L & Mori L

(2014) Use of Compact Discrete Dynode (CDD) Detectors in a Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS for U-Pb Geochronology: Comparisons with Quadrupole Laser Ablation Data
Solari L, Bernal JP, Ortega-Obregón C & Gómez-Tuena A

(2014) Of Fluids, Melts and Slab Diapirs: Insights from Western Mexico
Gómez-Tuena A, Díaz-Bravo B, Vázquez-Duarte A, Pérez-Arvizu O & Mori L

(2014) Crustal Recycling by Subduction Erosion in Central Mexico
Straub SM, Gomez-Tuena A, Bindeman IN, Bolge LL, Espinasa-Perena R, Stuart FM, Zellmer GF, Ramirez R & Sochko M

(2012) Tracing Subduction Erosion Through Arc Chemistry in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
Straub SM, Zellmer GF, Gomez-Tuena A, Cai Y, Stuart FM & Langmuir CH

(2009) Flood Basalt-Like Magmatism from Lower Crustal Delamination in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Mori L, Gómez-Tuena A, Schaaf P, Goldstein SL, Pérez-Arvizu O & Solís-Pichardo G

(2009) Phengite Control on Subduction Magmatism in the Western Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Gómez-Tuena A, Mori L, Goldstein S & Pérez-Arvizu O

(2008) Subducted Oceanic Crust Melt Contributions to the Mexican Volcanic Belt and Other Young Hot Slab Arcs
Cai YM, Goldstein S, Straub S, Gómez-Tuena A, Langmuir C, Capra L, LaGatta A & Martin-Del Pozzo A-L

(2008) Petrogenesis of Alkaline Arc Basaltic Andesites at Volcan Chichinautzin in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
Straub SM, Gómez-Tuena A, Zellmer GF, Cai MY, Goldstein SL, Langmuir CH, Martin-Del Pozzo A-L & Espinasa-Perena R

(2008) Preliminary Results from a New ELA-ICPMS: U-Pb Geochronology and Elemental Analysis
Bernal J-P, Solari L, Gómez-Tuena A, Pérez-Arvizu O, Gabay C, Miller P & Shelley M

(2007) Hf Isotopes as the Key for Distinguishing Slab Melting in Arcs: The Case of the Mexican Volcanic Belt
Goldstein SL, Cai Y, Langmuir CH, LaGatta A, Straub SM, Gómez-Tuena A & Martin del Pozzo A-L

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