All abstracts by Ute Golla-Schindler in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2007) Intragranular Replacement of Chlorapatite by Hydroxyapatite during ScapolitisationEngvik AK, Golla-Schindler U, Austrheim H & Putnis A
(2007) Metal Saturation in the Upper Mantle
Rohrbach A, Ballhaus C, Golla-Schindler U, Ulmer P & Schönbohm D
(2006) Energy filtered TEM/STEM applied to mineralogical issues
Golla-Schindler U, Poeml P, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2006) Ferric-ferrous iron ratios in upper mantle minerals
Rohrbach A, Ballhaus C, Golla-Schindler U & Ulmer P
(2004) Hydrothermal Stability of Crystalline and Radiation-Damaged Pyrochlore
Geisler T, Putnis A, Golla-Schindler U, Seydoux-Guillaume A & Janssen A
(2004) Investigation of Exsolution by Energy Filtered TEM
Golla-Schindler U & Putnis A
(2002) Contribution of Fine Exsolution Lamellae of Hematite-Ilmenite to Magnetic Properties
Kasama T, Golla-Schindler U & Putnis A