All abstracts by Andrew Knoll in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Crystallization by Particle Attachment (CPA) in Biominerals over 550 Million YearsGilbert P, Porter SM, Sun C-Y, Xiao S, Gibson BM, Shenkar N & Knoll A
(2020) Phosphorus Limitation on Primary Production in Archean Ecosystems
Hao J, Knoll A, Huang F, Schieber J, Hazen R & Daniel I
(2018) Preservational Bias of Mineral and Ore Deposits during Assembly of Rodinia
Liu C, Runyon S, Knoll A & Hazen R
(2018) The Geologic Record of 17O and 18O in Chert
Liljestrand F, Peng Y, Bao H, Macdonald F, Knoll A, Cohen P, Tosca N & Johnston D