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All abstracts by Donald DePaolo in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Determination of Equilibrium Ca Isotope Fractionation between Calcite and Water Using Pressure Solution and a Laboratory Compaction Column
Wu Z, Lisabeth H, Christensen JN, Dong W & DePaolo D

(2023) Reactive Transport Modeling in Understanding Carbonate Diagenesis in Deep Sea Sediment and Associated Pore Fluid
Zhang S & DePaolo D

(2021) Origin and Significance of the Age Dependence of Calcite Recrystallization Rates in Deep Sea Sediments
Zhang S, DePaolo D & Zhou R

(2018) U Isotope Fractionation: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls
Brown S, Basu A, Ding X, Christensen J & DePaolo D

(2018) Radiogenic 40Ca in Garnet: A New Proxy for K Loss during Granulite-Facies Metamorphism
Antonelli MA, DePaolo DJ, Chacko T, Grew ES & Rubatto D

(2018) Investigating Calcite Growth Rates Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D)
Cao B, Stack A, Steefel C, DePaolo D, Lammers L & Hu Y

(2018) Equilibrium Calcite-Fluid Sr/Ca Partition Coefficient from Marine Sediment Pore Fluids
Zhang S & DePaolo D

(2018) Radiogenic 40Ca in Modern Seawater
Antonelli M, DePaolo D, Brown S & Pester N

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