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All abstracts by Melissa Cook in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) The Study of Electrical Potential, Remote Sensing, and Preservation of Biosignatures at Sites of Serpentinization (SERP)
Morrill PL, Coxon IN, Cook M, Umoh U, Ventura GT, Leitch A, Poduska KM, Gao B, Yulmetova M, Mahdianpari M, English J & Gill M

(2020) Study of Electrical Potential, Remote Sensing, and Preservation of Biosignatures at Sites of Serpentinization (SERP)
Morrill P, Leitch A, Gao B, Poduska K, Mahdianpari M, Yulmetova M, English J, Evans L, Cook M, Bentley J, Ventura T, Wilson M, White N & LeGrow C

(2020) Geochemical Bioenergetics and Microbial Metabolisms at Three Contrasting Sites of Serpentinization
Cook MC, Morrill PL, Suzuki S & Blank JG

(2018) Sourcing Dissolved Methane from the Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park, NL, CAN: A Terrestrial Site of Serpentinization
Morrill P, Cumming E, Rietze A, Morrissey L, Cook M, Rhim J & Ono S

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