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All abstracts by Gordon Brown in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) The Spatial Distribution of Reactivity as Acidic Fluid Imbibes into Shales
Noël V, Froute L, Druhan JL, Chen Y, Bargar J, Brown G & Kovseck A

(2020) Formation and Stability of Colloids Driven by Reducing Conditions: Impact on Water Quality
Noël V, Kumar N, Engel M, Boye K, Brown G & Bargar J

(2020) Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging of Ion Transport in Unconventional Shales
Noël V, Brondolo F, Druhan J, Fan W, Jew A, Spielman-Sun E, Kovseck A, Bargar J & Brown G

(2019) The Scientific Legacy of Prof. Georges Calas: Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Methods to Earth Materials, Environmental Geochemistry, Mineral Resources, and Nanomaterials
Brown Jr GE & Morin G

(2019) Fluid-Mineral-Organic Interactions and Contaminant Release in Shale Reservoirs
Harrison A, Li Q, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Thomas D, Joe-wong C, Bargar J, Brown G & Maher K

(2019) Selenium and Mercury Species Interactions in Wheat Plants
Subirana MA, Boada R, Simonelli L, Marini C, Jew A, Webb S, Brown GE, Llugany M & Valiente M

(2019) Influence of Redox Interfaces on Arsenic Mobility
Kumar N, Boye K, Noel V, Planer-Friedrich B, Bargar J, Brown G & Fendorf S

(2018) Behavior of As(III) and As(V) during Ferrihydrite Sulfidation
Kumar N, Noël V, Boye K, Besold J, Planer-Friedrich B, Fendorf S & Brown G

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