All abstracts by Reiner Giesler in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Silicon Isotopes as a Tool to Capture Biogeochemical Connectivity in Permafrost Soils: Implications on Fe-Organic Carbon InteractionsVillani M, Hirst C, Thomas M, du Bois d'Aische E, Vanderelst S, Lundin E, Giesler R, Mörth M & Opfergelt S
(2013) Spectroscopically Visualising the Availability of Goethite-Sorbed Phosphate to Soil Microorganisms
Kenney J, Giesler R & Persson P
(2011) Enzymatic and Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose Phosphate Adsorbed on Goethite
Olsson R, Giesler R, Loring JS & Persson P
(2010) Rapid P Transformation Across a North Sweden Podzol Chronosequence
Giesler R
(2009) Enzymatic and Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose-1-Phosphate Adsorbed on Goethite: Kinetics and Molecular Mechanisms
Olsson R, Giesler R & Persson P
(2007) Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose-1-Phosphate Adsorbed at the Water-Goethite Interface
Olsson R, Giesler R & Persson P