All abstracts by Tali Babila in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Eocene Carbon Cycling and Climate InteractionsAnagnostou E, John E, Babila T, Sexton P, Ridgwell A, Pearson P, Gasson E, Lunt D, Pancost R & Foster G
(2018) The Global Hydrological Cycle during Early Eocene Hyperthermals: O-Isotope and Other Constraints
Zachos J, Ballaron E, Harper D, Rush W, Babila T, Kiehl J, Bowen G, Kelly C, Kozdon R, Penman D & Huber M
(2018) Can Fossil Carbon Reworking Explain the Sustained High CO2 Levels of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum?
Lyons S, Baczynski A, Babila T, Bralower T, Hajek E, Kump L, Polites E, Trampush S, Vornlocher J, Zachos J & Freeman K
(2018) The Effect of Matrix Interferences on in situ Boron Isotope Analysis by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Standish C, Chalk T, Babila T, Milton A & Foster G