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All abstracts by Akiko Yamaguchi in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Contribution of Environmental Radiochemistry to Geochemistry
Takahashi Y, Yamaguchi A & Yomogida T

(2024) Oxidation of Iron in Mica Induced by Weathering Investigated by HERFD-XANES Measurements and ab Initio Calculations
Yamaguchi A, Takahashi Y & Okumura M

(2023) Investigation of Factors Controlling Adsorption Structures of Cations on Clay Minerals Based on EXAFS and ab Initio Calculation
Yamaguchi A, Okumura M & Takahashi Y

(2023) Super-Hydrated Kaolinite Under High Pressure: A Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics Study
Okumura M, Kobayashi K & Yamaguchi A

(2022) High Energy Resolution Fluorescence XAFS for the Speciation of Cesium and Rare Earth Elements in Geochemical and Environmental Samples
Yamaguchi A & Takahashi Y

(2021) High Energy Resolution Fluorescence XAFS for the Speciation of Trace Elements in Geochemical and Environmental Samples
Takahashi Y & Yamaguchi A

(2020) Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics Studies of Clay Minerals
Okumura M, Kobayashi K, Yamaguchi A, Nakamura H, Itakura M & Machida M

(2020) Effect of Ionic Radius on the Adsorption Structure of Various Cations on 2:1 Clay Minerals
Yamaguchi A, Okumura M & Takahashi Y

(2019) Molecular Geochemistry of Interactions of Various Hard Cations and Phyllosilicates Related to their Environmental Behaviors and Isotope Fractionation
Takahashi Y, Tsuboi H & Yamaguchi A

(2018) REE Abundances and Ion-Exchangeable REE Fraction are High for Intermediately Weathered Granite by Formation of Outer-Sphere Complex
Takahashi Y & Yamaguchi A

(2017) Effect of Ionic Radii on Metal Ion Species Adsorbed in the Interlayer of 2:1 Phyllosilicate: Impcliations on their Migration in Environment
Yamaguchi A, Tanaka M & Takahashi Y

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