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All abstracts by Connor C. Turvey in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Nickel Recovery from Artificial Laterites Produced during Surficial Mineralization of Mine Waste
Frierdich AJ, Wang Z, Mann M, Hamilton J, Turvey CC, Hussain A, Moyo A, Renforth P, Su D, Yaddala J, Lammers L & Wilson S

(2024) Artificial Nickel Laterites for Enhanced Metal Recovery and CO2 Mineralization
Wilson S, Wang B, Hussain A, Turvey CC, Moyo A, Honda-McNeil M, Spence J, Mann M, Su D, Wang Z, Yaddala J, Frierdich AJ, Hamilton J, Lammers L, Power IM, Renforth P & Zeyen N

(2024) Evaluating the Link between Mineralogy and Alkalinity Generation for Carbon Sequestration Potential in Mine Sites
Rosa VM, Hussain A, Bates B, Friedlander B, Turvey CC, Power IM, Angai J, Raudsepp M, Baumgartner R & Wilson S

(2023) New Recipes for CO2 Mineralization: Accounting for Crystal Chemistry and Crystallization Pathway
Wilson S, Vessey CJ, Raudsepp M, Patel AS, Harrison A, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Morgan B, Turvey CC, Power I & Mavromatis V

(2017) Optimising Geochemical Treatments to Enhance in situ Carbon Sequestration in Ultramafic Mine Tailings
Hamilton JL, Wilson SA, Morgan B, Turvey CC, McCutcheon J & Southam G

(2017) Environmental Monitoring of Mine Sites Using Portable X-Ray Diffraction
Turvey C, Wilson S, Hamilton J, Jowitt S & Southam G

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