All abstracts by Cassandre Stirpe in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Benthic Foraminiferal δ13C Traces CO2 Storage in the Glacial Deep Southeastern Indian Ocean and CO2 Outgassing Across the Last DeglaciationSikes EL, Umling N, Glaubke RH, Starr A, Stirpe C, Martin E & Williams T
(2023) Glacial-Interglacial Variability in Indian Ocean Antarctic Intermediate Water Circulation
Umling N, Stirpe C, Sikes EL, Yang S-C, John SG & Goodkin N
(2017) The Benthic Mg/Ca Temperature Proxy: A Uvigerina Core-Top Calibration and Deglacial Record from the Southwest Pacific
Stirpe C, Allen K & Sikes E