All abstracts by Alena Sevcu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) A Novel and Efficient DNA Extraction Method Focus to the Bacterial Diversity in Compacted Bentonites: Insights into Biogeochemical Processes within the Deep Geological Disposal ConceptPovedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Lopez-Fernandez M, Shrestha R, Spanek R, Martín-Sánchez I, Villar MV, Ševců A, Dopson M & Merroun ML
(2018) Effect of Irradiation and Pressure on Microbial Activity in Bentonite in Relation to Safety of the Radioactive Waste Repository
Shrestha R, Sevcu A, Steinova J, Spanek R, Kovarova H, Cernoueek T & Kokinda J
(2017) Microbial Diversity in Czech Bentonite
Shrestha R, Steinova J, Spanek R & Sevcu A