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All abstracts by Paraskevi Polymenakou in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Decoupled Geochemical Behavior of Tl, As and Au in Modern SMS, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Zegkinoglou N, Kilias S, Smith D, Keith M, Nomikou P & Polymenakou P

(2019) Metagenomic Evidence for Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation in Iron Mats at the Kallisti Limnes CO2-rich Seafloor Hydrothermal Pools, Santorini
Christakis C, Polymenakou P, Kilias S, Nomikou P, Nielsen T, Kyrpides N, Kristoffersen JB, Kotoulas G & Magoulas A

(2017) Metal Resource Potential of Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides at Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Kilias S, Zygouri E, Nomikou P, Chrysafeni M, Ivarsson M, Chi Fru E, El Albani A, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Argyraki A, Polymenakou P & Carey S

(2017) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Au-Cu Coupling in Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Zygouri E, Kilias S, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Chi Fru E, Nomikou P, Argyraki A, Ivarsson M, Polymenakou P & Carey S

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