All abstracts by Nadia Noor in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Bioavailability of Organic C in MAOM Formed from Co-precipitation of Short-Range-Ordered Iron and DOCThompson A, Noor N & Chen C
(2020) Aerobic Microbial Respiration of Fe (II) Reacted Ferrihydrite-Natural Organic Matter Coprecipitates
Noor N, Zhou Z, Latta DE, Scherer MM, Borch T, Thompson A & Plante A
(2018) Fe(II)-catalyzed Transformation of Ferrihydrite-Organic Matter Coprecipitates: A Closer Look Using Fe Isotopes
Zhou Z, Latta D, Noor N, Thompson A, Borch T & Scherer M
(2017) Monitoring Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Redox, Iron and Carbon Cycling in Puerto Rican Soils
Barcellos D, Silver W, O'Connell C, Noor N & Thompson A