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All abstracts by Nico Augustin in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Hydrothermal Activity in a Young Ocean – The Discovery of Six Active Hydrothermal Vent Field Areas along the Red Sea Rift
van der Zwan FM, Diercks I, Petersen S, Sander SG & Augustin N

(2023) Low-Temperature Venting and Microbial Iron Deposit Formation in the First Observed Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields in the Red Sea Rift
van der Zwan FM, Augustin N, Petersen S, Altalhi SM, Schultz J, Peixoto RS, Follmann J, Anker A, Benzoni F, Garcia Paredes ER, Al Malallah MY, Shepard L, Ouhssain M, Jägerup BS, Jones BH & Rosado AS

(2021) First Discovery of Gabbroic Rocks from the Discovery Deep, Red Sea Rift Axis
Follmann J, van der Zwan FM, Bousquet R & Augustin N

(2020) Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism 2.0: LAB Melt Lavas in the NW Atlantic
van der Zwan FM, Devey CW, Augustin N, Herrero TM, Pałgan D, Schade M, Böttner C & Almeev RR

(2019) A New Style of Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism
Augustin N, Devey CW, Herrero TM, Pałgan D, Schade M, van der Zwan FM & Böttner C

(2019) The Origin of the Bathymetrist Seamounts – A Geochemical and Morphological Study
van der Zwan FM, Long X, Augustin N, Geldmacher J, Le Saout M, Wölfl A-C, Hauff F, Hoernle K, Schade M, Hübscher C & Garbe-Schönberg D

(2017) AUV-Based Exploration of the TAG Segment at 26°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Implications for Resource Assessment and Metal Fluxes
Petersen S, Yeo I, Jamieson J, Szitkar F, Graber S, Augustin N & Rothenbeck M

(2013) Assimilation of Hydrothermally Altered Crust at Slow Spreading Ridges
van der Zwan F, Devey C, Augustin N, Basaham A, Bantan R, Fietzke J & Almeev R

(2012) Hatiba to Port Sudan Deep (Red Sea) Imaging a Growing Ocean
Augustin N, Devey CW, Bantan R, van der Zwan FM, Feldens P & Kwasnitschka T

(2009) Ocean Sr-Budget from Paired δ88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr*-Ratios
Krabbenhoeft A, Eisenhauer A, Vollstaedt H, Augustin N, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Nolte N, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hansen BT

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