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All abstracts by Kyounglim Kang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Speciation and Reactivity of Redox-Sensitive Metals in Wildfire Ash: Implications for Nutrient and Metal Cycles
Kang K, Rowley MC, Whelan E, Bone SE & Peña J

(2022) Interference of Manganese with Iron Acquisition by Bacterial Siderophores
Kang K & Pena J

(2021) Academic Institutions’ Responses to COVID-19 Crisis
Biswakarma J, Rushworth D, Srivastava G, Kang K, Singh G, Das S, Anantharaman SB, Aeppli M, Popp AL & Bhuyan DJ

(2020) Photogenerated Fe(II) Accelerates Ligand-Controlled Dissolution Rates of Iron(hydr)oxides
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ

(2019) Fe Acquisition by Coumarins; An Interplay between Ligand-Controlled and Reductive Dissolution
Schenkeveld W, Kang K & Kraemer S

(2019) Surface Catalyzed Fe(II) Oxidation Process and its Influence on Ligand-Controlled Fe(III) (Hydr)oxide Dissolution Rate
Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Biswakarma J, Hug SJ, Hering JG & Kraemer SM

(2019) Isotope Exchange and Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of Iron(hydr)oxides in the Carbonate System
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ

(2018) Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of FeOOH: ATR-FTIR, Isotopic, and Kinetic Studies
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Borowski SC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ

(2017) Ligand-Controlled Fe(hydr)oxide Dissolution Catalyzed by Electron Transfer
Kang K, Biswakarma J, Borowski SC, Hug SJ, Hering JG, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM

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