All abstracts by Nicola Horsburgh in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Mineralogical Effects of Alteration and Weathering in Peralkaline Silicate Hosted REE-HFSE DepositsBorst AM, Finch AA, Horsburgh N, Smith M & Geraki K
(2019) Structural State of REE in Eudialyte-Hosted Critical Metal Deposits
Borst A, Finch A, Friis H, Horsburgh N, Gamaletsos P, Goettlicher J, Steininger R & Geraki K
(2019) Sulphur Isotopes of Alkaline Igenous Suites: New Insights into Magmatic Fluid Evolution and Crustal Recycling
Hutchison W, Babiel R, Finch A, Marks M, Markl G, Boyce A, Stüeken E, Friis H, Borst A & Horsburgh N
(2017) Identification of REE Minerals Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Horsburgh N & Finch A
(2017) The Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Gardar Rift Magmatism: Hf Isotopic Clues to Archean Crustal Recycling
Finch A, Borst A, Hutchison W, Horsburgh N, Andersen T & Simonsen S