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All abstracts by Mathis Hain in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Ion Content and Carbon Speciation Set Ocean Carbon and Alkalinity Inventories for Balanced Budgets
Ganey TM, Adloff M, Ridgwell A, Clegg SL, Kirtland Turner S, Paytan A & Hain M

(2021) Seawater Stable Strontium Isotope Fluctuations over Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Wood M, Kolevica A, Eisenhauer A, Hain M, Ridgewell A, Griffith EM & Paytan A

(2021) New Measurements and Compilation Provide a 25, 000 Year View of Global Deep-Sea Radiocarbon
Rafter P(, Gray WR, Burke A, Costa K, Gottschalk J, Hain M, Hines SKV, Rae JWB, Southon J & Devries T

(2021) Status of the Antarctic Ocean “Surface Isolation” Hypothesis for Glacial/Interglacial Carbon Dioxide Change
Sigman DM, Fripiat F, Studer AS, Kemeny PC, Martinez-Garcia A, Hain M, Ai X(, Wang XT & Haug GH

(2021) A Continuous 1, 500 kyr Record of Atmospheric CO2 from Boron Isotopes
Chalk TB, De La Vega E, Hain M, Brown R, Rohling EJ, Nuber S, Wilson P, Cherry S, Milton JA & Foster GL

(2021) Constraining Earth’s Geologic Influence on the Global Carbon Cycle during the Last Ice Age from the Planetary Radiocarbon Budget
Green R, Hain M & Rafter P(

(2019) Interrogating the Paleocene Palaeoclimate Paradox
Henehan M, Barnet J, Planavsky N, Littler K, Hain M, Thomas E, Özen V, von Blanckenburg F & Hull P

(2017) The Polar Oceans and Atmospheric CO2
Haug G, Martinez-Garcia A, Studer A, Ren A, Hain M, Jaccard S, Tiedemann R & Sigman D

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