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All abstracts by Andrea Giuliani in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Reconstructing Neoproterozoic Oceans Through an Integrated Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Marine Carbonate Cements
Clavijo Arcos RE, Guillong M, Freitas BT, Giuliani A, Bernasconi SM, Babinski M & Vance D

(2024) Kimberlites: The Deepest Geochemical Probes of Earth
Dalton H, Giuliani A & Pearson DG

(2023) Tracking Crustal Contamination in Arc Batholiths: The Adamello Case Study
Pimenta Silva M, Giuliani A, Schaltegger U, Schoene B, Ulmer P & Müntener O

(2023) New Constraints on Kimberlite Melt Compositions Using Bulk and Groundmass Compositions
Zech RF, Giuliani A & Schmidt MW

(2023) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Mica Without Employing the MicaMG Standard
Giuliani A, Guillong M, Maas R & Howarth GH

(2022) Petrogenetic Link between Aillikites and Carbonatites in the Tarim Large Igneous Province
Wang C, Zhang Z, Giuliani A, Cheng Z, Liu B & Kong W

(2021) Remnants of Early Earth Differentiation in the Deepest Mantle-Derived Lavas
Giuliani A, Jackson MG, Fitzpayne A & Dalton H

(2021) Tungsten-182 and Neodymium-142 Evidence for an Ancient Kimberlite Source
Nakanishi N, Carlson RW, Horan MF, Giuliani A, Woodhead J, Pearson DG & Walker RJ

(2021) A Glimpse into the Secular Change of Mantle-Derived Magmatism at the Transition between Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic
Fiorentini M, Caruso S & Giuliani A

(2020) The Petrology and Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Sulphide and Sulphate in the Kimberley Kimberlites
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Magalhaes N, Soltys A, Fiorentini M & Farquhar J

(2020) Kimberlite Magmatism in Finland: Distinct Sources and Links to the Breakup of Rodinia
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J, Maas R, Woodhead J, Matchan E & O'Brien H

(2020) Decoupling of Kimberlite Source and Primitive Melt Compositions
Tovey M, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Sarkar C, Pearson G, Nowicki T & Carlson J

(2020) Sampling the C of the Deep Earth: In situ C-O-Sr Isotopes of Kimberlitic Carbonates Worldwide
Castillo-Oliver M, Giuliani A, Griffin W, O'Reilly S, Drysdale R & Li X-H

(2020) The Role of FOZO-Prema in Kimberlite Genesis
Giuliani A, Jackson MG & Fitzpayne A

(2019) Mantle-Like Oxygen Isotopes in Kimberlites Determined by in situ SIMS Analyses of Zoned Olivine
Giuliani A, Martin LAJ, Soltys A & Griffin WL

(2019) Progressive Metasomatism of the Mantle by Kimberlitic Melts: Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Compositions of MARID and PIC Minerals
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Maas R, Hergt J, Janney P & Phillips D

(2019) Petrographic and Geochemical Variations in the Kaavi-Kuopio Kimberlite Field, Finland: The Role of Mantle Assimilation
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & O'Brien H

(2019) What Controls the Explosive Emplacement of the Diamondiferous Diavik Kimberlites? New Insights from Mineral Chemistry and Petrography of Hypabyssal and Pyroclastic Samples
Tovey M, Giuliani A, Phillips D & Moss S

(2019) An SCLM Control on the Metallogenic DNA of the Continental Lithosphere
Holwell D, Fiorentini M, McDonald I, Lu Y, Giuliani A, Smith D, Keith M & Locmelis M

(2019) Apatite Geochemistry Provides Insights into the Late Magmatic Evolution of Kimberlites
Soltys A, Giuliani A & Phillips D

(2018) Olivine, Kimberlites and the Modification of Carbonated Melts in the Deep Earth
Giuliani A, Soltys A, Lim E, Farr H, Phillips D, Foley SF & Griffin WL

(2017) New Constraints on MARID- and PIC-Style Mantle Metasomatism and their Relationship to Continental Alkaline Magmatism
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & Janney P

(2017) Southwestern Africa on the Burner: Pleistocene Carbonatite Volcanism Linked to Mantle Upwelling in Angola
Giuliani A, Campeny M, Kamenetsky VS, Maas R, Melgarejo JC, Kohn BP, Matchan EL, Mangas J, Goncalves AO & Manuel J

(2015) Widespread Metasomatism in the sub-African Mantle: Fossil Evidence from Kimberlitic Zircon Megacrysts
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Phillips D, Giuliani A & Maas R

(2015) Geochemical Constraints on Kimberite Ascent Mechanisms Revealed by Phlogopite in Kimberlite and Mantle Xenoliths
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kamenetsky VS & Goemann K

(2015) Alkali-Carbonate Rich Melt Inclusions in Magmatic Minerals of the Venetia Kimberlite, South Africa
Abersteiner A, Giuliani A, Kamenetsky V & Phillips D

(2013) Dating Mantle Metasomatism: A New Tool (U/Pb LIMA Titanate) and an Impostor (40Ar/39Ar Phlogopite)
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kendrick MA, Maas R, Greig A, Armstrong R, Felgate MR & Kamenetsky VS

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