All abstracts by Guillaume Florin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) 182W Isotope Patterns Preserved in Paleoarchean TTGs from the Ancient Gneiss ComplexHoffmann JE, Tusch J, Sandor P & Florin G
(2023) Origin of the Volatile Element Depletion in CR and CV Carbonaceous Chondrites and their Components
Regnault M, Florin G, Gleißner P, John T & Becker H
(2023) Zinc and Copper Stable Isotope Fractionation in Lunar Mare Basalts: Constraints on Interior Composition and Volatile Depletion Processes
Florin G, Gleißner P & Becker H
(2021) Is Fe-Ni Alloy in Ordinary Chondrites Formed by Precursors Partial Melting?
Florin G, Alard O, Luais B & Rushmer T
(2021) Hydrogen in Chondrites: Influence of Parent Body Alteration and Atmospheric Contamination on Primordial Components
Vacher LG, Piani L, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Florin G, Piralla M & Marrocchi Y
(2019) Metal Formation in Ordinary Chondrite
Florin G, Alard O, Luais B & Rushmer T
(2019) Experimental Germanium Isotopic Fractionation Under HT, fO2-controlled Conditions of Core Formation and Accretion
Luais B, Phelipeau A, Toplis M, Cividini D, Tissandier L, Florin G & Alard O
(2017) Germanium Isotopic Variations in Metals in H Chondrites: Implications for Metal-Silicate Segregation
Florin G, Luais B & Rushmer T