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All abstracts by Syed Hilal Farooq in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Hydrochemical Evaluation of Thermal and Non-Thermal Waters State of Jharkhand, India
Khalkho SS & Farooq SH

(2024) Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Thermal Waters of West Bengal and Jharkhand, Eastern India
Gorain S & Farooq SH

(2023) Hydrochemical Characterization of Geothermal Springs of North-Eastern, India
Das D, Farooq SH & Mohakud SK

(2023) Understanding of Sediment-Water Interaction Processes in Coastal Aquifers Through Laboratory Based Column Experiments
Prusty P & Farooq SH

(2023) Hydrochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Groundwater from Arsenic Contaminated Area in the Bengal Delta, India
Mohakud SK & Farooq SH

(2020) Changes in Aquifer Sediments and Water Quality due to Periodic Exposure of Aquifer to Freshwater and Seawater
Prusty P & Farooq SH

(2019) Saltwater Intrusion Vulnerability of a Coastal Aquifer along the Bay of Bengal, India
Prusty P & Farooq SH

(2018) Evaluation of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Thermal Spring Water of Odisha, India
Zimik HV, Farooq SH & Prusty P

(2018) Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Seasonal Variability of Trace Elements in Coastal Groundwater of Puri District, India
Prusty P, Farooq SH & Zimik HV

(2017) Extent of Seawater Intrusion and Identification of Freshwater Zones in the Coastal Aquifer of Puri District, India: A Geochemical Approch
Prusty P, Farooq SH & Zimik HV

(2017) Reservoir Temperature Estimation of Geothermal Springs of Odisha, India
Zimik HV, Farooq SH & Prusty P

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