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All abstracts by Rodney Ewing in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Volatilization of B4C Control Rods in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactors during Meltdown: B-Li Isotopic Signatures in Cesium-Rich Microparticles
Fueda K, Yamasaki S, Horie K, Takehara M, Saito T, Shiotsu H, Ohnuki T, Law GTW, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S

(2023) Review of Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamic Properties of Zircon Structure-Type Materials
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Zhao X, Estevenon P, Xu H, Dacheux N & Ewing R

(2023) Formation of CeSiO4 and AnSiO4 (An = Th, U, Pu): Insights Coming from Hydrothermal Synthesis and Thermodynamic Issues
Dacheux N, Estevenon P, Strzelecki AC, Szenknect S, Moisy P, Ewing R, Guo X & Navrotsky A

(2021) Role of Water and Hydroxyl Groups in the Structures of Stetindite and Coffinite, MSiO4 (M = Ce, U)
Strzelecki AC, Barral T, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Goncharov VG, Baker J, Bai J, Clavier N, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Guo X

(2021) Revisit the Thermodynamics of Orthosilicates for Actinide Waste Form
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Marcial J, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, McCloy J, Ewing R & Dacheux N

(2020) Experimental Evidence for Coffinite Formation from UO2+x
Alby D, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Lin J, Duro L, Lopez-Garcia M, Zetterström-Evins L, Wang C, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Bruno J

(2020) Thermodynamics of CeSiO₄
Strzelecki A, Kreigsman K, Bourgeois C, Estevenon P, Goncharov V, Wei N, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Wu D, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Guo X

(2020) Direct Observation of the Oxygen Atoms in UO2+X
Wang C, van Veelen A, Bargar J & Ewing R

(2018) Novel Method to Quantify Radioactive Cesium-Rich Microparticles in the Environment from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Ikehara R, Suetake M, Komiya T, Furuki G, Ochiai A, Yamasaki S, Bower W, Law G, Ohnuki T, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S

(2018) Structural and Energetic Landscapes of Uranothorite Solid Solutions
Guo X, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Clavier N, Xu H, Espinosa-Faller F, Navrotsky A, Ewing R & Dacheux N

(2017) Response of Actinide-Bearing Materials to Highly Ionizing Radiation
Ewing R

(2017) Isotopic Signature and Nano-Scale Texture of Cesium-Rich Micro-Particles: Release of Uranium and Fission Products from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Imoto J, Ochiai A, Furuki G, Ikehara R, Suetake M, Horie K, Takehara M, Yamasaki S, Nanba K, Ohnuki T, Law G, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S

(2017) Nuclear Fuel Fragments Released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Ochiai A, Imoto J, Furuki G, Ikehara R, Suetake M, Yamasaki S, Nanba K, Ohnuki T, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S

(2017) Structural Insights into UO2-based Model Systems for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Finkeldei S, Baena A, Palomares R, Brandt F, Deissmann G, Bukaemskiy A, Lang M, Ewing R & Bosbach D

(2017) Ore Systems as Nanoparticle Factories
Deditius A, Reich M, Utsunomiya S, Barra F, Gonzalez-Jimenez J-M, Simon A, Suvorova A, Ewing R & Kesler S

(2017) The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of Rare Earth Hafnate and Stannate Pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
Turner K, Rittman D, Tracy C, Heymach R, Turner M, Mao W & Ewing R

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