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All abstracts by Peter Eng in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Role of Annealing and Grain Boundary Controls on the Mechanical Properties of Limestones and Marbles
Anovitz LM, Zhang R, Bosomworth P, Weber J, Ilavsky J, Chen A, Flores-Betencourt A, Gilbert EP, Mata J, Rivers M & Eng P

(2022) Constraining Elemental Partitioning and Isotope Fractionation of Mantle Minerals with in situ Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Zhang D, Xu J, Dera P, Chen B, Chen M, Eng P & Prakapenka V

(2022) Selenium Adsorption at the Pyrite-Solution Interface: An in situ Electrochemical CTR Study
Wanhala A, Stubbs J & Eng P

(2022) Oxidation Pathways of UO2 Thin Film Under Combined Oxygen-Humidity-Radiation Conditions Probed by XAFS
Liu J, Stubbs J, Eng P, Kelly S, Sun C, Xu H, Conradson SD, Chen A & Guo X

(2019) Surface-Specific Response of Interfacial Water to Arsenate Adsorption on Oxide Minerals
Catalano J, Xu T, Stubbs J & Eng P

(2019) Effect of Background Electrolytes Composition on the Interfacial Formation of Th(IV) Nanoparticles
Neumann J, Qiu C, Hellebrandt S, Eng P, Skanthakumar S, Steppert M, Soderholm L & Schmidt M

(2019) What Transformations for Engineered Nanoparticles at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface
Desmau M, Gélabert A, Levard C, Vidal V, Ona-Nguema G, Charron G, Eng P, Stubbs J & Benedetti MF

(2019) Structure and Surface Complexation of the Calcite-Water-Interface
Heberling F, Klacic T, Eng P, Preocanin T & Lützenkirchen J

(2018) Lead Adsorption at the Barite (001) – Water Interface
Bracco J, Lee SS, Stubbs J, Eng P & Fenter P

(2017) Quantum Dots Fate at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface
Desmau M, Gélabert A, Levard C, Ona Nguema G, Sivry Y, Vidal V, Eng P, Stubbs J, Charron G, Brown GE & Benedetti M

(2017) Formation of Zr(IV)-nanoparticles on Muscovite (001): Effect of Background Electrolyte
Qiu C, Eng P, Hennig C & Schmidt M

(2017) Silver Nanoparticles Interactions with Solution/Biofilm/Mineral Interfaces
Gelabert A, Desmau M, Levard C, Auffan M, Ona-Nguema G, Vidal V, Eng P, Stubbs J & Benedetti MF

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