All abstracts by Peter Eng in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The Role of Annealing and Grain Boundary Controls on the Mechanical Properties of Limestones and MarblesAnovitz LM, Zhang R, Bosomworth P, Weber J, Ilavsky J, Chen A, Flores-Betencourt A, Gilbert EP, Mata J, Rivers M & Eng P
(2022) Constraining Elemental Partitioning and Isotope Fractionation of Mantle Minerals with in situ Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Zhang D, Xu J, Dera P, Chen B, Chen M, Eng P & Prakapenka V
(2022) Selenium Adsorption at the Pyrite-Solution Interface: An in situ Electrochemical CTR Study
Wanhala A, Stubbs J & Eng P
(2022) Oxidation Pathways of UO2 Thin Film Under Combined Oxygen-Humidity-Radiation Conditions Probed by XAFS
Liu J, Stubbs J, Eng P, Kelly S, Sun C, Xu H, Conradson SD, Chen A & Guo X
(2019) Surface-Specific Response of Interfacial Water to Arsenate Adsorption on Oxide Minerals
Catalano J, Xu T, Stubbs J & Eng P
(2019) Effect of Background Electrolytes Composition on the Interfacial Formation of Th(IV) Nanoparticles
Neumann J, Qiu C, Hellebrandt S, Eng P, Skanthakumar S, Steppert M, Soderholm L & Schmidt M
(2019) What Transformations for Engineered Nanoparticles at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface
Desmau M, Gélabert A, Levard C, Vidal V, Ona-Nguema G, Charron G, Eng P, Stubbs J & Benedetti MF
(2019) Structure and Surface Complexation of the Calcite-Water-Interface
Heberling F, Klacic T, Eng P, Preocanin T & Lützenkirchen J
(2018) Lead Adsorption at the Barite (001) – Water Interface
Bracco J, Lee SS, Stubbs J, Eng P & Fenter P
(2017) Quantum Dots Fate at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface
Desmau M, Gélabert A, Levard C, Ona Nguema G, Sivry Y, Vidal V, Eng P, Stubbs J, Charron G, Brown GE & Benedetti M
(2017) Formation of Zr(IV)-nanoparticles on Muscovite (001): Effect of Background Electrolyte
Qiu C, Eng P, Hennig C & Schmidt M
(2017) Silver Nanoparticles Interactions with Solution/Biofilm/Mineral Interfaces
Gelabert A, Desmau M, Levard C, Auffan M, Ona-Nguema G, Vidal V, Eng P, Stubbs J & Benedetti MF