All abstracts by Hirokazu Fujimaki in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2010) Combination of SEM-Cathodoluminescence and Fluid Inclusion Microthermometer of Quartz Veins in Hugo Dummett Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, MongoliaMyagmarsuren S, Fujimaki H & Hayashi K
(2009) Magmatism in the Tsagaandelger, East Mongolian Volcanic Belt: Petrological and Isotopic Constraints on Mesozoic Geodynamic Setting
Oidov M & Fujimaki H
(2009) Sulfide Mineral Paragenesis at the Hugo Dummett Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia
Myagmarsuren S & Fujimaki H
(2007) Prevention of Asbestos Floating from Outdated Construction Materials
Fujimaki H, Sasaki K & Hama S
(2003) Geochemical and Lithological Characteristics of Badou Carbonatite Pipe, Shandong China
Goto A, Fujimaki H & Morikiyo T