All abstracts by Olivier Atteia in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Introducing Microbiological Reactions in a Modular Multiphase Code: Coupling Openfoam and PhreeqcAtteia O
(2016) Identification of the Mechanism for Fluoride and Phosphate Release during Managed Aquifer Recharge
Schafer D, Donn M, Atteia O & Prommer H
(2015) Modelling a Field Experiment of Enhanced Dissolution of Chlorinated Solvents
Atteia O & Prommer H
(2015) Assessing the Impacts of Chemical and Physical Heterogeneity on Water Quality Evolution during ASR
Deng H, Descourvieres C, Seibert S, Harris B, Atteia O, Siade A & Prommer H
(2013) Physical and Geochemical Processes during Groundwater Replenishment with Highly Treated Wastewater
Seibert S, Prommer H, Siade A & Atteia O
(2012) Geochemical Characterization of Mineralized Groundwaters in the Aquitaine Basin (SW France): Lateral and Vertical Variability of the Eocene Formations, Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Processes of Acquisition of the Mineralization
Malcuit E, Negrel P, Petelet-Giraud E, Atteia O, Franchesci M & Dupuy A
(2009) Validating Geochemical Models with Isotopic Data
Atteia O & Franceschi M