All abstracts by Elliot Atlas in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Salt Lakes of Western Australia – Emissions of Natural Volatile Organic CompoundsSattler T, Krause T, Schöler HF, Kamilli K, Held A, Zetsch C, Ofner J, Junkermann W & Atlas E
(2009) How Much Biogenic SOA Is Present In The Northeastern U.S.?
de Gouw J, Warneke C, Montzka S, Brioude J, Holloway J, Parrish D, Fehsenfeld F, Atlas E, Weber R & Flocke F
(2002) The Deuterium Anomaly in Stratospheric Molecular Hydrogen
Rahn T, Eiler J, McCarthy M, Boering K, Atlas E & Schauffler S