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All abstracts by Benoit Caron in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Multiple Geochemical and Morphological Instrumental Approaches to Improve the Supereruption Young Toba Tuff Knowledge
Caron B, Del Manzo G, Villemant B, Bartolini A, Moreno E, Le Friant A, Bassinot F & Baudin F

(2021) LA-ICP-MS/MS Geological Applications from Volcanic Halogens to the Mars2020 Mission
Caron B, Dubacq B, Villemant B, Figowy S, Del Manzo G, Gyomlai T, Cousin A, Agard P, Le Friant A & Zack T

(2021) In situ Rb/Sr Dating, a Precise and Efficient Tool in Metamorphic Petrology to Constrain Iran Geodynamic
Gyomlai T, Agard P, Bonnet G, Caron B, Dubacq B & Noel J

(2017) Oscillating Redox Conditions in the Vocontian Basin (SE France) during OAE 2: Paleoenvironmental Implications
Danzelle J, Riquier L, Baudin F, Thomazo C & Caron B

(2017) Cl, Br and I Behaviour during Magma Differentiation and Degassing: Contribution of a New LA-ICP-MS Analysis Technique
Villemant B, Caron B, Dubacq B & Thierry P

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