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All abstracts by Amaury Bouyon in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Integrating Chemical, Isotopic, and Dynamic Observations of the Oxidative Weathering of Pyrite
Killingsworth BA, Hayles JA, Kohl IE, Sun T, Hoppe DA, Bouyon A & Seal RR

(2024) Identifying Sources of Sulfate Preserved in High Elevation Lava Tubes from Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Hayles JA, Killingsworth BA, Bouyon A, Sun T, Archer D & Niles PB

(2024) Clumped Isotopes of Methane: New Tools for Tracking Microbial Methane Production and Consumption in Tidal Wetlands
Haghnegahdar MA, Bouyon A, Hamovit N, Magen C, Celarie CJ, Megonigal P, Yarwood SA, Noyce G, Sun J & Farquhar J

(2023) Terrestrial Alteration of Ordinary Chondrites from Antarctica
Sun T, Niles PB, Yeung LY, Dottin JW, Diaz M, Bouyon A & Lyons WB

(2023) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes of Air as a Tool for Understanding Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar MA, Sun J, Hultquist N, Hamovit N, Yarwood SA, Kaufman AJ, Bouyon A, Magen C & Farquhar J

(2022) An Insight into Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes
Haghnegahdar MA, Hultquist N, Sun J, Dickerson RR, Magen C, Kaufman AJ, Hamovit N, Scott JG, Yarwood S, Chowdhury TR, Bouyon A & Farquhar J

(2021) Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes for a Better Understanding of Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar M, Hultquist N, Kaufman AJ, Yarwood SA, Bouyon A & Farquhar J

(2021) Identification of an Equilibrium Component in the Mantle Sources of Carbonatites Using High Precision Ca Stable Isotopes
Amsellem E, Schiller M, Klausen M, Bouyon A, Rojas V & Bizzarro M

(2020) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes of Carbonatites, a Window into their Formation Conditions
Bouyon A, Klausen M, Mata J, Tappe S, Farquhar J & Cartigny P

(2019) Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records
Philippot P, Avila J, Bouyon A, Killingsworth B, Siciliano Rego E, Rossignol C, Ader M, Busigny V, Cartigny P, Lalonde S, Tessalina S, Marly B, Trevor I, Zapporeli A, Bacelar Hühn S & Trindade R

(2019) Coupled Multiple Sulfur and Organic Carbon Isotope Geochemistry of Brazilian Precambrian Rocks
Bouyon A, Cartigny P, Avila J, Rego E, Rossignol C, Hühn S, Zapparoli A, Trindade R & Philippot P

(2017) Gas-Source Mass-Spectrometry “Strikes Back”: Multi-Isotopic Composition of Selenium and their Mass-Independent Fractionation
Bouyon A, Assayag N & Cartigny P

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