All abstracts by Sergey Abramov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Nitrate-Reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing Microorganisms in the Sediments of an Extreme Acid Rock Drainage Affected River (Rio Tinto, Spain)Bottaro M, Abramov S, Amils R, Martinez Bonilla A, Mansor M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2018) Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation and Heavy Metal Precipitation in Rio Tinto (Spain)
Abramov S, Grimm L, Schädler F, Tejada J, Bulaev A, Thorwarth H, Amils R, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2016) Sustainable Use of Industrial Acid By-Product and Environmental Microbial Consortia to Recycle Important Metals from Municipal Incineration Slag
He J, Muehe E-M, Abramov S, Wimmer D, Lemloh M-L, Stockl M & Kappler A