All abstracts by Philip Freedman in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Self-Induced Matrix Effects in MC-ICP-MSFrères E, Bilenker L, King E, Fourny A, Patton G, Weis D, Zhao Y, Freedman P & Gordon K
(2015) A Unique and Novel Ultra High-Mass Resolution Gas-Source Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Young E, Rumble D & Freedman P
(2015) Advances in ‘Clumped Isotope’ Measurement Techniques Using the Nu Perspective IS and Nu Carb Carbonate Preparation Unit
Rablen S, Affek H, Tripati A, Defliese W & Freedman P
(2013) “Tuning the Torch” of the Nu Plasma II-Es MC-ICP-MS
Weis D, Gordon K, Xing L, Burrows A, Cohen R & Freedman P
(2011) High Mass Resolution Gas-Source Mass Spectrometry
Young E, Rumble D, Freedman P, Schauble E & Guo W
(2008) Origin of non-Linear Mass Dependent Fractionation in Nd
Newman K, Freedman P, Williams J & Belshaw N
(2002) Nu 1700: A New Large-Geometry High-Resolution Multiple Collector ICP-MS
Halliday AN, Freedman P, Oberli F, Baur H, Hollins S & Levasseur S
(2002) Mass Bias in ICP Mass Spectrometers
Freedman PA
(2000) MC-ICPMS – The Good, the Small and the Massive
Halliday A, Rehkämper M, Schönbächler M, Oberli F, Freedman P, Frank M, Müller W, Teutsch N, Baur H & Wiechert U