All abstracts by Giovanni B. Andreozzi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Viscosity Measurements of Magmas in the Earth’s Upper Mantle: Constraints on Rates and Ascent Timescales of a Primitive Alkaline BasaltBonechi B, Stagno V, Kono Y, Hrubiak R, Ziberna L, Andreozzi GB, Perinelli C & Gaeta M
(2017) Do Fe-Bearing Minerals Control the Deep Carbon Cycle in the Interior of the Earth?
Stagno V, McCammon CA, Cerantola V, Andreozzi GB, Caruso M, Arimoto T & Irifune T
(2016) High-Pressure Elastic Properties of Synthetic (Mg, Fe2+)Al2O4 Spinel Crystals by Brillouin Spectroscopy
Andreozzi GB, Bruschini E, Speziale S, Reichmann H-J & Bosi F