All abstracts by Norbert Frank in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) Evidence of Ocean Acidification Viewed by Boron Isotopes and B/Ca in Scleractinian CoralsDouville E, Gonzalez-Roubaud C, Louvat P, Gaillardet J, Cabioch G, Montagna P, Frank N & Gehlen M
(2009) Millennium Scale Radiocarbon Variations in Eastern North Atlantic Thermocline Waters: 0-7000 Years
Frank N, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Colin C, Dottori M, Reverdin G & Hatté C
(2000) Neogene Pb- and Nd-Isotope Composition of a Mn Nodule from the South Pacific Ocean
Frank N, Hemming G & Goldstein S