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All abstracts by Meng Cheng in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Exploring Early Earth's Oceanic Oxygenation: Geochemical Insights from Case Studies
Wang H, Peng Y, Cao X, Cheng M, Liu A, Feng Q, Algeo TJ & Li C

(2024) Spatiotemporal Variation of Dissolved Oxygen in the Ediacaran Surface Ocean and its Implication for Oceanic Carbon Cycling
Zhang Z, Yang C, Cheng M, Wang H, Chen X, Guo W & Li C

(2023) Sulfate Triple Oxygen Isotopes Witnessed Oceanic Oxygenation 570 Million Years ago
Wang H, Peng Y, Li C, Cao X, Cheng M & Bao H

(2019) Spatiotemporal Coevolution of Oxygen Levels and Early Animals
Li C, Shi W, Jin C, Cheng M, Zhu M & Lyons T

(2019) Ba Evidence for Upwelling in the Ediacaran Ocean
Cheng M, Luo G, Li C & Ni Q

(2019) Transient Rise of Atmospheric O2 Levels and Marine Shelf Oxygenation at ~1.36 Ga
Wang H, Li C, Algeo T, Cheng M, Wang W & Zhang Z

(2018) Evidence for Non-Productivity-Controled Oceanic Anoxia in Early Cambrian
Cheng M, Li C & Zhang F-F

(2017) Constrain the Global Redox State of post-Marinoan Ocean with Paired Mo-U Isotopes
Cheng M, Li C, Zhang F & Anbar A

(2017) U Isotope Evidence for a Common Occurrence of Extensive Anoxia in the Cryogenian Ocean
Pan W, Zhang F, Zhu X, Cheng M, Li C, Yan B, Du Y, Zhang R & Chen J

(2016) Evidence for Transient Deep-Water Oxygenations in Early Cambrian Nanhua Basin (South China)
Cheng M, Li C, Zhang F, Romaniello S, Feng L-J, Zhou L & Algeo T

(2016) Uranium Isotope Variation Across the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
Zhang F, Li C, Melezhik V, Pokrovsky B, Shi W, Cheng M, Kendall B, Romaniello S, Owens J & Anbar A

(2016) Oxygenation of Deep Continental Basins and Colonization of Complex Marine Biotas during Cambrian Age 4 (~514-509 Ma) in South China
Jin C, Li C, Algeo TJ, Planavsky NJ, Cheng M, Yang X, Zhao Y & Xie S

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