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All abstracts by Qi Chen in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Solubility of PGE in a Hydrous Sodium Silicate Fluid
Huffaker J, Chen Q & Lundstrom C

(2024) PGEs Transport in Hydrous Sodium Silicate Melts: A Study from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Chen Q, Huffaker J, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Lundstrom C

(2023) Solubility of PGE in a Sodium Silicate Fluid
Huffaker J, Chen Q & Lundstrom C

(2023) PGE Transport in Sodium Silicate Melt: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Chen Q, Huffaker J, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Lundstrom C

(2021) Xenon High Pressure Crystal-Chemistry, Partitioning, and Isotopic Fractionation: What Does that Tell us About Atmosphere Formation on Earth and Mars
Sanloup C, Chen Q, Rzeplinski I, Bureau H, Horlait D, Shen G, Farla R, Gilabert E & Glazyrin K

(2021) Xenon Behavior in Deep Crust
Chen Q, Sanloup C, Bureau H, Glazyrin K & Farla R

(2020) Linking Microbial Population Succession and DOM Molecular Transformation in Synechococcus-Derived Organic Matter Addition Incubations
Wang Y, Xie R, Chen Q, Cai R, He C, Guo W, Shi Q, Jiao N & Zheng Q

(2016) In situ Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Nitrogen Speciation in Hydrothermal Fluids
Chen Q & Ni H

(2016) Molecular Markers of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Mumbai, India
Fu P, Aggarwal SG, Chen J, Li J, Sun Y, Wang Z, Chen H, Liao H, Ding A, Umarji GS, Patil RS, Chen Q & Kawamura K

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