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All abstracts by Jianfa Chen in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Late Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution in the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton: Insights from Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Noble Gases of Granitoid Gneisses
Li W, Liu H, Chen J, Zhou Z & Holland G

(2023) Response of Nitrogen Isotopes in Different Fractions of Marine Crude Oil to Hydrocarbon-Generating Organisms and Paleoenvironment in Tarim Basin, NW China
Bai Y, Chen J, Gang W & Chen X

(2023) Molecular Competitive Adsorption Mechanism of Methane and Helium in Illite of Shale Gas Reservoirs Through Molecular Simulation
You B, Chen J & Liu X

(2023) The Potential of Helium in Shale Gas and Coalbed Methane (CBM): A Possible New Field for Helium Exploration
Ma Y, Zhong N, Chen J & Yang C

(2023) Distribution Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Helium-Rich Gas Reservoirs
Chen J & Liu K

(2023) Identification and Geochemical Significance of a Series of Rare Lanostanes in the Alkaline Lacustrine Source Rock from the Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin NW China
Wang D, Chen J & Li M

(2023) Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Individual N-Alkanes from Crude Oil in the Central Region of Junggar Basin
Chen X, Chen J & Bai Y

(2023) Dynamic Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle in Response to Massive Manganese Carbonate Deposits during Cryogenian Interglacial Period
Ai J, Siljeström S, Zhong N, Chen J, Wang T, Nansheng Q & George S

(2020) Distribution and Significance of Nitrogen Isotopic Compositions of Bulk Rock and Kerogen within Organic Matter Rich Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks of Continental Lacustrine Basins
Chen J, Chen J & Shi S

(2018) Ordovician Hydrocarbon Migration along the Tazhong No.10 Fault Belt in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, Northwest China
Shen W, Chen J & Wang Y

(2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Crude Oils and Organic Matter in Different Depositional Environments from China
Chen J, Xu X, Li M, Chen J & Shi S

(2016) Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Characteristics and Geological Significance of Typical Marine Shale in South China
Li M, Wang T & Chen J

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