All abstracts by Céline Fosse in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Root-Associated Branched GDGTs in Terrestrial Archives: Potential Bias on Temperature EstimatesHuguet A, Gocke M, Derenne S, Fosse C & Wiesenberg GLB
(2014) Ancient Calcified Roots Reveal Long-Term Rhizomicrobial Activity in the Deep Subsoil
Gocke M, Huguet A, Derenne S, Fosse C, Dippold M, Kolb S & Wiesenberg GLB
(2014) Assessing the Use of GDGTs as Temperature Proxies along Altitudinal Transects in East Africa
Huguet A, Coffinet S, Omuombo C, Williamson D, Fosse C, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2012) Experimental Climate Warming in a French Peatland: Impact on the Abundance and Distribution of Branched GDGTs
Huguet A, Fosse C, Laggoun-Defarge F & Derenne S
(2012) Distribution of GDGTs in Tropical Sediments from Guadeloupe (French West Indies): Implications for Application of MBT/CBT and TEX86 Proxies
Derenne S, Huguet A, Belmahdi I, Fosse C & Grossi V
(2010) Occurrence and Distribution of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in a French Peat Bog
Huguet A, Fosse C, Laggoun-Défarge F & Derenne S