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All abstracts by Alberto Guadagnini in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Modeling the Fate of Diclofenac in Soil-Water Systems
Ceresa L, Guadagnini A, Riva M & Porta GM

(2023) Stochastic Modeling of Calcite Dissolution Rates from Microscale Observations
Recalcati C, Siena M, Riva M & Guadagnini A

(2023) Chemical Speciation and Microbial Growth of Natural Spring Waters Associated with Diverse Hydrogeological Settings in the Area of Lecco (Italy)
Khan AU, Ronca RR, Porta GM, Riva M & Guadagnini A

(2017) Carbonate/Clays Reactions as Source of CO2 Natural Accumulations: Quantification and Propagation of Uncertainties in Modelling of CO2 Generation in Sedimentary Basins
Ceriotti G, Porta G, Geloni C, Dalla Rosa M & Guadagnini A

(2016) Characterization of Bimolecular Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
Edery Y, Porta G, Guadagnini A, Scher H & Berkowitz B

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